consumers who clip and redeem discount coupons,

buy, commerce, consumer @ Pixabay

So, you’re a coupon clipper. You have your binder full of coupons and you occasionally use them to save money on groceries or other items. But do you know why people clip coupons? This blog post will explore the reasons behind consumer behavior when it comes to clipping and redeeming discount coupons. This blog post will explore the reasons behind consumer behavior when it comes to clipping and redeeming discount coupons. Clip for savings: Consumers believe that by clipping a coupon they can save money on their grocery bill or other expenses. Clipping a coupon is also seen as an investment because you’re paying less upfront, but you may not get back what you saved in cash value if the item goes on sale again. For example, say your family eats cereal every morning so using a coupon could help reduce costs per box. But if this cereal goes on sale next week and requires no further use of the $0.50 off/box coupon from last week, then consumers have lost out on potential savings and missed opportunities to buy more


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