What Kinds of Compensation Could You Ask for in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

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When people suffer an injury because of someone else’s careless or intentional actions, they may be legally entitled to economic compensation for their suffering, medical bills, pain, lost income, and other related expenses. In most personal injury lawsuits, the main objective is to recover money to help offset the costs incurred due to the accident. The compensation the victims receive will depend on the severity of their injuries and how long their recovery period is expected to last.

Loss of Earnings

This type of compensation is awarded for the future financial losses the victim suffers due to the accident. If the accident has impacted their ability to work and earn money, they may recover damages for their reduced earning capacity. When calculating the number of earnings or earning capacity loss, courts will generally consider their pre-accident earnings, future earning potential, how long they’re expected to be out of work, and their daily or weekly expenses.

Wrongful Death Damages

When a loved one dies from an accident, the deceased’s family members may be entitled to financial compensation known as wrongful death damages. Depending on the accident’s circumstances, wrongful death damages can be awarded to help cover the financial costs incurred, such as burial expenses and pre-death medical care costs. Wrongful death damages are calculated based on the earning potential of the deceased person.

Medical Care

Medical care and rehabilitation damages are awarded for the costs associated with the victim’s medical bills, future medical bills, and rehabilitation expenses. This medical care can be costly, especially if they have a high-risk condition, such as a spinal cord injury. To help offset the costs incurred with their medical care, yourlawyer.com can help them request compensation for medical care and necessary rehabilitation.

General Damages

General damages are intended to cover the non-economic damages victims have suffered from the accident, such as loss of consortium, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. The number of general damages they recover will depend mainly on the accident’s severity. Generally, if the accident is mild and they don’t suffer any long-term injuries, they may receive only a small amount of general damages. Alternatively, if the accident is severe and has had a lasting impact on their health and well-being, they may receive several general damages.

Physical Pain and Suffering

Physical pain and suffering damages are awarded to compensate those with physical injuries such as a broken limb, scarring, and other trauma-related issues. These damages are subjective in that the amount awarded will depend on the severity of the victim’s injuries and their personal experience with pain. Physical pain and suffering damages are also used to cover the costs associated with their ongoing care, such as physical therapy or ongoing medical treatment.

Punitive Damages

In certain situations, such as when another person is found to be reckless or negligent, courts may award these damages in addition to the victim’s other compensation. Punitive damages are intended to punish the person responsible for the accident. Punitive damages are not for compensating the injured for their loss but instead making an example out of the defendant and discouraging them from repeating their actions.


People who are hurt in an accident can incur various costs associated with their treatment and recovery. The best way to ensure the injured are compensated for these costs is to hire a personal injury attorney. A personal injury attorney can help them in filing a claim and ensure they’re awarded all the compensation they legally deserve for their accident.


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