Your Ultimate Sunscreen Buying Guide: Use & Care Tips


Sunburns and allergies can be common, especially during hot summers or when on a day spent outdoors. For some people, 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure a day is safe; for others, it’s too much. A sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher offers excellent UV protection. However, finding the proper sun protection can be exhausting, especially finding a sunscreen with the correct SPF level for your skin type, etc. If you’re looking for sunscreen, there are many options with key sun clear zinke

Some sunscreens only work for some people. If you have a pre-existing skin condition like eczema or rosacea and use a lot of makeup, it’s essential to look at the ingredients list on your bottle of lotion before applying it. Some products contain fragrances that can irritate people with sensitive skin or allergies. It’s also necessary to check out what active ingredients are included in each product—this will help determine how much protection they provide against UV rays.

How to apply?

  • Don’t skimp on the coverage when spraying – you want to get it into all those little spaces where your skin has no chance to block the rays before they can penetrate your skin.
  • If you’re sceptical about how much sunscreen to apply, start with a pea-sized amount and work up from there. If you’ve never used sunscreen before, start slowly by applying only one layer of lotion at first; if this is too heavy for your skin type (or if it gets too oily), add another layer after an hour or two. After several days of regular use, you’ll know what works best for your body chemistry and preferences!


  • Don’t use sunscreen on wet skin or irritated skin. 
  • If you have any pre-existing skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis, check with your doctor before using a new product. 
  • Most sunscreens have a shelf life of 6 months. So it’s a good idea to keep some backups around, just in case!

When to apply sunscreen?

  • You can apply sunscreen with an SPF higher than 50, like key sun clear zinkie, in the morning when you wake up, before going outdoors, or to re-apply it throughout the day if you’re out in the sun. 
  • You should apply at least once every two hours if you spend time outside in direct sunlight (or have been outdoors for an extended period). 

Things To Remember during the Purchase

  • Most sunscreens have a shelf life of 6 months. So look for one with a better expiration date before using it.
  • Some people have pre-existing conditions that make it difficult for them to use sunscreen, like eczema or rosacea. If you have one of these conditions, talk to your doctor about whether or not you can safely use sunscreen on your face and body without causing an allergic reaction (which could be complex).
  • Some sunscreens don’t work for everyone, even if they are labelled as “broad-spectrum.” If this is the case with your favourite lotion brand—or even if there’s only something missing from the formula—you may want to try another brand until something works better for both of us!

Storage Tips

Remember to store sunscreens away from heat and light. If you’re planning on using a particular brand of sunscreen, make sure it’s not expired. It will help ensure that the product works properly and protects your skin from harmful rays.


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